DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 9 – More Progress Towards Philadelphia

  1. The church in Ephesus followed all the fundamental teachings left by the apostle and tried to practice all the spiritual principles, but they lacked the first love. It is not enough to follow the word correctly in everything, and yet to be cold, lacking love and enthusiasm. The word needs to produce something real inside us (Rev 2:2-4).
  2. Do not just focus on external appearance and attitudes! The word is Christ Himself. When we allow this word, which comes from the mouth of God, to circulate among us, the members of the Body of Christ, it deposits Christ in our heart: our mind, will and emotion (Eph 3:17; Col 3:16).
  3. Why does one lose their first love? Because externally they only comply with external rules and there is no concern for the circulation of life, which does an inner work. I need the word to do an inner work; then I will be rooted and grounded in love (Eph 3:17).
  4. “You do not lack power; you just need to activate it. For this you need the prophetic word. It is necessary for Jesus to speak (…) When we believe in this word, we activate His power through the Spirit that dwells in us” (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 3, Tuesday, page 45).

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