DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 07 – The Worsening of the Degradation and the Reformation

  1. Everyone wants to teach their own theology and interpretations, but the primitive church didn’t start out this way. It began with the teaching of the apostles and persevered in this fellowship and this teaching. This is the way! (Acts 2:42).
  2. 2. In the history of the church, we see that the root of all degradation was the governmental interest of men, which introduced hierarchy, privileges, status, and financial advantages to the church leaders. This should serve as a warning to us. Where is our heart now? (Rev 2-3; Mt 13:31-32; 6:21).
  3. The Lord always preserves His remnant, and we are this, the little flock. We are not large or numerous, but the Lord was pleased to give the kingdom to the little flock (Rev 2:24; 1 Rs 19:18; Luke 12:32).
  4. Simplicity and purity are what we need most to understand the words of Christ, which brings us revelation and give us life (2 Cor 11:3) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 1, Wednesday, page 14).

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