Many brothers and sisters are being perfected at the Colporting Outpost, the PAC. There, the Lord shows us the purpose of immersing ourselves in the Word and the true purpose of colporting.
In times of pressure, we experience the power of the prophetic Word and understand that it does God’s work. On the streets, when we try to do something for God according to our natural learning or knowledge, things don’t work out.
At times, we feel completely powerless. This is the time to ask for help! In the church, don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are in one Body, in the new man. We are not alone: we have the brothers as members of one another. If we ask for help, we are soon helped to immerse ourselves in the Word and things start to flow.
At the CAP, we realize how much we can still be living the life of the Church or the Christian life in a conventional and traditional way, without having to appeal to the things above. The book of Colossians exhorts us to seek the things above where Christ is, for we have died and risen with Him. (Colossians 3:1-4) We don’t need to limit our life to the earthly sphere, living like other men live, in the stagnation of the earth.
Through Christ’s resurrection, we can live up there! Through immersion, we are led to live at every moment in the sphere above. As we are transferred to the heavenly sphere, the Lord begins to act in a supernatural way.