DAILY IMMERSION Monday | Message 26 – The Natural Man does not Receive the things of The Spirit

  1. Our God is a feasting God. He lives in an environment of joy and complete happiness. The Son is the Father’s pleasure and is always celebrating before Him (Pr 8:22-23, 30-31).
  2. Man is God’s guest at His feast. After the dispensation of the fullness of times, for all eternity, we will live in complete happiness with God (Pr 8:22-23, 30-31).
  3. In the Old Testament, seven festivals were established for the people of Israel. But such feasts would have no meaning if there were no reality, which is the coming of Christ to do the Father’s will. The feasts without Christ have no meaning (John 7:1-44).
  4. Through His resurrection, the Lord Jesus took the church to the heavenly places, becoming the ladder by which, we can enter heaven (Daily Food, book 3, week 3, Monday, p. 41).

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