DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

  1. The water of grace needs to grow in our lives. God wants to raise the level of the waters, until you are lost, not knowing where else to go. Many don’t want to get into the waters and lose control of things. Many years of good management can prevent us from experiencing the new. Let the Spirit do it! You will be just a channel, not having your feet on the ground, floating and immersed in the river of grace, following God’s direction. (Ezek 47:1-9; John 3:6,8)
  2. If we don’t become a child, we won’t be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We are very complicated. We always have a logic and when we don’t agree with what is happening, we see what comes from God as absurd. You have a choice: live to your death with leprosy or let go of your concepts and obey the word of the prophet. (Mt 18:3; 2 Kings 5:1-2, 10-14)
  3. God’s work is the fruits of the flowing river. It is not how much man does for God, but how much man presents himself as a channel for carrying out God’s work.
  4. The tree of life bears 12 fruits each month. This fruit is the work of God, His will being done. It is not merely the work of our hands, but the result of our enjoyment of the prophetic Word by immersion. If you use and obey this word, you will bear fruit. This is the real work. Whoever is immersed in the River produces fruit for God and brings healing to the nations (Rev 22:1,2).

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