DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | Message 25 – The Feast of Tabernacles

  1. The Holy Spirit has authority in the church, through the word. The Lord chooses and uses someone to  speak His word. If the prophet’s word comes true, then it is the word of God (Dt 18:18-22).
  2. If you have the prophetic word, you have the government of God. The prophetic word does not come  from a man but is the word of God. It does not come from personal power and is not biblical knowledge,  but it transmits life and does the work of God (Rom 16:25-26; 1 Pe 1:19-21; John 6:63).
  3. Teenagers are being blessed, because they believe that the word comes from God. They listen,  transcribe, immerse themselves and practice without doubt. Adults now want to know who is the  greatest, but the Lord told us to become like children (1 Thess 2:13; Mt 18:1-5; 20:25-28).
  4. Jewish leaders believed that God would send the Messiah in a pompous way, in the way religious people  await the arrival of a great leader. However, God sent Jesus in a very humble way, contrary to what they  imagined. (Is 53:1-12) (Daily Food, Book 3, week 2, Wednesday, p. 28) 

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