1. The Word of God needs to be kept, practiced and inscribed in our hearts (Dt 6:1-7).
2. Christ is the Word and was in the beginning with God; but became flesh, dwelling among us full of grace and truth (Eph 4:10; John 1:1, 14).
3. God placed Christ above all dominions, principalities and power, giving Him all authority. God not only raised Him from the lower regions of the earth, but made Him ascend above all the heavens and made Him sit in the heavenly places, above all principality and power (Eph 1:19-21; 4:8-9).
4. For all eternity, the Father and the Son live in celebration, while One is the joy of the Other with the pleasure and happiness of each Other’s company. God desires to introduce us to His dimension of eternal joy and pleasure (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 1, Wednesday, page 14).