Mess. 07: Abide in Him as the Anointing Taught You

Word ministered by Brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Life for All Institute, directly from the Pérola Auditorium, Estância Árvore da Vida, Sumaré–SP, on 01/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author.

We encourage you to watch the full message on the Life for All YouTube channel.



  1. In the last message we spoke about a struggle between two kingdoms: the kingdom of the Lord, in which life reigns, and the kingdom of Satan, in which death reigns. Satan uses the world and the lusts in the world to overcome the church and, unfortunately, in the history of the church, we have had nineteen centuries of degradation. However, now we are in the last hour; there is no more room for error!
  2. The enemy uses lies to attack, defeat and discourage us. However, we have the truth! God is forming an army of holy youth, a resilient generation that cannot fail for any reason. We are active, firm and full of strength because of the fellowship of life. This fellowship is our protection, for it sanctifies us with the truth. We are all being filled with the truth, which is Christ Himself.
  3. Regarding the anointing, it is important to know that the Lord gave us His Spirit, who is the Lord Himself after His death and resurrection. This Spirit of Truth, which is in our human spirit, has the function of anointing us. Every time we obey the Word and walk according to the Lord’s direction, we are anointed by this Spirit.

    1 John 2:27; Ex 30:23-25; John 7:37-39; Gen 1:2

  4. This anointing is like the holy oil of Exodus 30, where four spices are added to a hin of olive oil. In the Bible, olive oil typifies the Spirit of God. Although in John 7 the Spirit of God already existed, the verse says that He had not yet been given. In fact, the Spirit of God is mentioned as early as Genesis 1, when He hovered over the waters of the formless and empty Earth. However, in order for God to help man, this Spirit needed to add four more spices. These four spices are: liquid myrrh, sweet-smelling cinnamon, aromatic calamus and cassia.
  5. At that time, myrrh was used to embalm the dead, to prevent decomposition. Cinnamon, in turn, was also used for preservation, since it had the capability of eliminating bacteria. Aromatic calamus is a plant that grows in a swamp, a place that does not seem to produce any life; it is a life that comes out of death and represents the resurrection of Christ, that is, the life of resurrection. Lastly, cassia is the bark of a tree that has a very strong odor, that is an insect repellent.

    John 7:37-39

  6. This all refers to the death and resurrection of Christ and added the following elements to the Spirit of God: the death of Christ, the power of that death, His resurrection, and the power of this resurrection. Hence in John 7 we read that this Spirit was not given until Christ was glorified.
  7. Today, the four spices have been added to the Spirit of God, and thus we have “The Spirit”, which was prepared especially for man, that is, tailored to meet his needs. We receive the Spirit as the anointing. When we believe in the Lord Jesus, the anointing, as the Spirit, enters us. Now, rivers of living water flow from within us. Therefore, we are able to face any situation, because we have the death of Christ, the efficacy of His death, the resurrection of Christ, and the power of resurrection. When we are oppressed and knocked down by the enemy, we have the power of Christ’s death and resurrection and the anointing that gives us resilience. We are resilient, resistant, and the enemy cannot overcome us.

    1 John 2:27

  8. When we serve the Lord we need this anointing, just as all the utensils of the tabernacle and all the priests needed to be anointed. When we serve the Lord according to His will, we sense the anointing flowing within us, because we have His approval.

    1 Tim 1:18-20

  9. This is the way to know if we are pleasing the Lord: the sense of peace, joy, and of the Lord’s approval, all of which comes through the anointing. However, whenever we realize that the action of the anointing is no longer there, we need to stop immediately and check what is wrong. The anointing is not false; therefore, we must respect it. Some, because they do not maintain sensitivity to the anointing, nor maintain faith, and reject a good conscience, end up shipwrecked in their faith.

    1 Tim 4:1-2

  10. To be shipwrecked in the faith is to reject the warning of the anointing. We must be sensitive so that our conscience does not become seared by repeatedly violating the warning of the anointing. With a seared conscience, we lose our good conscience and the result is to become shipwreck in faith. To maintain a good conscience, we must be sensitive to the warning of the anointing. Let us maintain a good conscience by being sensitive and attentive to the warning of the anointing.
  11. When someone insists on disobeying the anointing, it withdraws, and the person acts on his own, without the anointing to guide them. We do not want to live like some who try to maintain the appearance of godliness, but the presence of the Lord has already withdrawn. There is nothing worse than living without the presence of the Lord.
  12. In Exodus 33, when the people of Israel worshiped the golden calf, God was so angry with them that He wanted to stop them from entering the land of Canaan. Moses touched God’s heart to enable the people to enter the land by reminding Him of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but God still did not want to lead them to the good land. The Lord said that He would send an angel to do this, but Moses said, “If Your presence does not go with me, do not make me leave this place.” To this the Lord replied, “My presence will go with you. Then you will have rest.” There is nothing better than the presence of the Lord and to serve in His rest. Serving the Lord demands a lot of work, but if we have the presence of the Lord, serving Him will be a matter of rest. We need to learn to work while resting.

    Rom 8:9-11

  13. Romans 8 reveals that the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, Christ Himself, and the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwell within us. Now, the Spirit is One. The Trinity works to bring us the Father who dwells in unapproachable light and who is the deep source that no one can access. We have access to Him through Christ as the fountain, and the Spirit as the stream. What is in the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is water; it is the same water; it is one Person. The triune God dwells within us!

    John 3:5-8, John 1:12; 1 John 2:27

  14. Christ is in us as the Spirit, but John still tells us that we need to abide in Him. To understand this, we remember that we are made of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. The day we believed in Jesus, our spirit was born again, and we were born of the Spirit. The Spirit of God began to dwell in our human spirit. However, we still have two more parts: the body and the soul. Our soul, even though we believe in Jesus, has been transformed very little; it has remained practically intact, the way it was before we believed. Therefore, the goal of the anointing in our spirit is to transform our soul. Therefore, we see that the Spirit of God already abides in our spirit, but we need to receive the Spirit of God in our soul. This is what is meant by the need to abide in Him.

    1 Tim 4:1-2

  15. The command for us to abide in Christ is a matter of our soul; it comes from our mind. The mind set on the flesh results in death. However, the mind set on the Spirit brings us life and peace. Therefore, our mind is like a key, which we can turn to one side or the other; it commands our soul and is its leading part. The mind set on the flesh is God’s enemy, because it does not submit to the law of God. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God, and the anointing ceases to operate in those who do not please Him.

    2 Cor 5:6-10

  16. We want to follow the anointing; we want to please God! Paul would rather be with the Lord, but for the sake of the brothers and sisters, it was still necessary for him to remain in the flesh. Alive or dead, Paul wanted to please the Lord. Our life is to please the Lord, not to do our own will. When we please the Lord, the anointing brings His presence to us.

    Rom 12:2; Eph 5:26-27; John 17:17

  17. However, in order to please the Lord, our soul needs to be transformed, because it suffered greatly from the fall of man. Sin entered and, along with it, death also entered. We lived in the vanity of our thoughts which lacked the truth of God. Thank God, we have received the anointing in our spirit, but God wants this Spirit to also invade our soul, so that it may be transformed through the renewal of our mind. Our soul needs to be washed with water by the Word so that it may be transformed, that the elements of the old man, such as lies and falsehood, may be eliminated, and that we may sanctified by being filled with the truth. God is transforming our soul through the Word, which sanctifies us through the truth, which is Christ.

    Eph 3:17-18

  18. Christ already lives in our spirit, but we need to invite Him into our heart, which has one part of the spirit, the conscience, and all the parts of our soul (mind, will, and emotion). Let us not leave Him as a guest in our spirit; let us invite Him into our soul, our person, our personality. Through His indwelling, Christ is filling us with Himself, which is truth. He is giving us consistency. Being filled to the fullness of God is the transformation of our soul.

    2 Cor 3:17-18, 7-11

  19. Moses was the only one who spoke with God face to face, and the glory of God infused his face. However, this glory faded over time, and Moses needed to return to the presence of the Lord to obtain that glory again. Nevertheless, the glory of the new covenant does not fade! We are taking part in the ministry of the Spirit. This glory is much greater than that of the Old Testament, because it is permanent. The anointing that is in our spirit wants us to receive Christ into our hearts so that He can dwell and abide there. May we abide in Christ and He abide in us!

    1 Pet 1:5-7; 1 Pet 4:12

  20. The salvation prepared to be revealed in the last days is the salvation of our soul. Our spirit was already saved when we believed in Jesus. Therefore, the time that we have here on Earth is for God to transform our soul. That is why Peter warns us not to be surprised by the burning fire that appears among us, as if something extraordinary were happening to us. Trials have the purpose of approving us and thus of transforming our soul.

    1 John 2:28

  21. To abide in Him is to abide in the Word of life announced by the apostle John, and this Word is Christ, eternal life itself. This eternal life, which is the Word, causes us to abide in the fellowship of life with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ, and this fellowship is fomented by the Word of the apostle.

    Eph 4:15-16

  22. The fellowship of life is like the circulation of blood in a living organism. Just as there is no life in a corpse, we are not in a dead religion. It is the Word that promotes this circulation of life. That is why we need to immerse ourselves in the prophetic word by speaking to one another, and this promotes the fellowship of life. The Word is the vehicle that brings eternal life to all the members of the Body of Christ, just as blood is a vehicle to bring nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the organism. Likewise, in the fellowship of life, everyone is connected to the Head, Christ, who supplies us with the truth in love through the Word. Furthermore, with the help of the whole Body, of each joint and of each member, the Body is built up in love.

    Eph 5:18-19; Col 3:16

  23. When the members of the Body speak to each other the Word announced by the apostle, they are filled with the Spirit. We can always live filled with the Spirit through speaking to each other, and practicing immersion helps us to circulate life. We no longer need the wine of the world to have fleeting joy. We can always live filled with the Spirit, filled with the Truth, and thus, our soul is being transformed!

    Deut 6:6-7; Gal 3:21, 23-24

  24. God’s desire for His people from the beginning was to fill them with truth. We read this in Deuteronomy 6, when God tells them that the words He commands should be in their hearts, and they in turn should instill them in their children by taking advantage of every opportunity. However, the reality of all that would only be experienced with the coming of Christ, because the law does not have the ability to give life by fomenting the fellowship of life. The law was sent to guard God’s people in order to deliver them to Christ when He came. The law served as a tutor to lead the people to Christ. When Christ died and rose again, the church was produced to be His Body, a living organism that functions through the circulation of life, which happens through the Word inculcated in the members.

    John 15:1; Matt. 13:19, 8, 23

  25. In John 15, Jesus used the illustration of the true vine with its branches to show how the fellowship of life works. The father is the farmer (from the Greek “georgos,” meaning “worker of the land,” “tiller of the soil”) and is also the owner of the vineyard. In Matthew 13, the seed is the word of the kingdom and the earth is the heart of man. God needs someone to sow the Word of the kingdom in the heart of man. Good soil is the one who hears the Word, understands it, and produces a hundredfold, sixtyfold, and thirtyfold.
  26. Jesus says, “I am the true vine”. The true vine represents the kingdom of heaven, which is the church, a living organism, the Body of Christ. God did not create a religion or place us in a religious institution. God placed us in a vine, in a living organism that He is causing to bear fruit. The seed of the kingdom grows, and consequently, this vine also grows.

    John 15:2-3; Heb 4:2; John 13:10-11

  27. For the Word to cleanse us, it needs to be accompanied by faith. Of the twelve disciples, not all were clean. We see that they all heard the same Word, but Judas, the traitor, did not hear it with faith and did not take advantage of the Word he heard. We need to take advantage of each Word by hearing it with faith.

    John 15:4, 7

  28. The secret to growing and bearing fruit is to abide in the Lord and for the Lord to abide in us, because the branches cannot bear fruit if they do not abide in the vine. Likewise, neither can we bear fruit if we do not abide in the Lord. It is all a matter of abiding in the Lord. Moreover, to abide in the Lord we need to keep the Word by instilling it in us and thus enabling Christ to dwell in our hearts.

    John 15:6; 1 Thess 3:12-13

  29. “Being cast out” in this verse does not mean eternal perdition, but it means being left out of the fellowship of life. It is a dispensational punishment: whoever is not in the fellowship of life will be left out of the millennial kingdom. Therefore, let us abide in the Lord through the Word! Thus, we will have confidence when He returns. We will not flee from the presence of the Lord in shame, because the Lord will have transformed us!

    2 Cor 5:9-10

  30. The important thing is to always seek to please our Lord, whether in life or in death, because we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ for each one to receive according to what we have done in the body, whether good or evil.

    1 John 2:29

  31. God is righteous, and those who practice righteousness are born of Him. This is not about behavior, but about God’s genetics! It is not a matter of imitating the righteous and holy God. We cannot achieve this through behavior, because it is a matter of divine genetics; God is righteous and we are righteous like the One who begot us. Therefore, as branches of the vine or as members of the Body of Christ, we share in the eternal life that flows in the fellowship of this life, which is the life of the righteous God. It is a matter of life: God’s life will lead us to live a life of love, of preaching the gospel, and of bringing the Lord back!

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