Mess. 08: Now We Are Children of God

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Life for All Institute, directly from the Pérola Auditorium, Estância Árvore da Vida, Sumaré–SP, on 02/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author.

We encourage you to watch the full message on the Life for All YouTube channel.



  1. The Lord has blessed us greatly. In the midst of so many struggles against the empire of darkness and the kingdom of lies, we are on the side of truth. Truth will triumph! Even though the battle is often painful, we are accompanied by the anointing, which gives us the presence of the Lord and makes us work in rest.
  2. This afternoon, during the fellowship of the coworkers, we proposed air conditioning the auditorium. Initially, the cost of this project was beyond our reach. At this point, all the machines positioned under the mezzanine are practically ready to operate. However, it is still necessary to air condition the entire front part of the auditorium. To this end, we have already signed a contract to purchase the equipment, which will arrive in October, with the first installment due next week. Thank the Lord, the sisters held a meeting yesterday, in which they collected offerings whose value already exceeded that of the first installment! And today, in the coworkers’ room, all the necessary funds were raised to cover the remaining installments. The equipment will arrive in October and by the end of the year, everything will be ready, so that, in January, at the youth conference, the auditorium will already be air conditioned!
  3. We are like those who dream! Things have been happening among us in miraculous ways, showing that the hand of the Lord is with us. Today, we do not need human effort and skill, but we work in rest. I would never have imagined that in just one afternoon we would raise all these resources, but the Lord has been overflowing. The Spirit is accelerating this entire process; He is in a hurry to return. However, for this to happen, the Lord needs the church to quickly meet this need and not delay in cooperating. We need to take advantage of this time of supernatural action of the Spirit to cooperate with Him! Let us use our teenagers as troops, young people as captains, older brothers as stewards, and all the tools to multiply and consolidate the number of people in the churches. We want to double the number of people by July of next year. We need to be diligent in the burden that the Lord has entrusted to us!

    1John 3:1,16; 4:9; John 1:12

  4. When God loved us, He took action. He loves us not only in word, but in deed. Because He loved us, God gave us a gift: His own Son. Our God created us to give us His eternal life. His desire has always been to give His life to man, and through him to exercise His government in life. However, the fall of man frustrated this plan, opening the door for sin and death to enter into all humanity. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Thank God for His wonderful plan of redemption! He gave His own Son, Himself, to die in our place.To have eternal life, we do not need to pay penance. God has simplified the process for us; we just need to believe in Jesus to receive God’s life. In His resurrection, Jesus entered into all who believe in Him and gave us eternal life, making us His children. We were not adopted by God, but begotten by Him. He not only gave us His own Son on the cross to redeem us and beget us as His children, but He also gave Him to us so that we might live through Him. We received the Son as Spirit, as spiritual anointing, and today we can live through Him.

    John 1:10,12; 3:1,6; Eph. 1:13; Isa. 54; Rom. 8:18

  5. What a miracle! It all began when someone preached the gospel to us and we received the word of truth that came to us as the gospel of salvation. We only needed to believe! Thus, we received Jesus, became children of God, and the Spirit of promise came to be in us. We were born of God, possessing His life and nature.
  6. However, the world does not know us. Jesus came to earth as an ordinary man, without physical beauty. Therefore, the Son of God could not be identified by His physical appearance. The world did not know Him. In the same way, we are children of God, although there is no physical evidence of this fact in us. However we have the nature of God within us, a spiritual and divine being being formed within us. However, the old man has not freed himself from the sinful nature, it has not yet been eradicated from us. But the spiritual being that is being generated within us is totally divine, holy, and one day He will manifest Himself and the world will see Him!

    John 1:14; 17:5; Matt. 17:1-2,5; 2Pet. 1:16-18

  7. In my previous ignorance, I thought that when Christ returns we would be glorified. But in this message, I realize that the divine being formed within us already has the glory of God, and when it is manifested, the glory of God will also be manifested! In John 17 we see that although the Son of God was full of glory, it had not yet been manifested in the humanity of Jesus. After His death, His humanity approved by God would be glorified. Within the man Jesus, without any human beauty, there was already glory. However, it was only during His transfiguration on the Mount that the disciples James and John were able to see it. At that moment, they saw the Lord in His true form. One day, this life that is being formed within us will also be manifested in glory!

    Rom. 8:18-23; 1Cor. 13:9-10,12

  8. Today, we suffer attacks from the enemy in the fight for the kingdom, but one day we will understand that all these sufferings aim at the revelation of the glory of God in us: “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to vanity, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom. 8:19-21). With the revelation of the children of God, we will be freed even from our earthly bodies. We will receive resurrection bodies clothed in glory! This glory will give us freedom, it will free us from sin and death. The creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God, that is, the revelation of the divine and spiritual being that is being formed within us.

  9. As much as we enjoy the word that the Lord has given us, in the earthly sphere, this enjoyment is still in part. “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (1 Cor. 13:10). Perfect here refers to the agape love of God. Our destiny is to enter into that which is perfect, into the sphere of divine love.
  10. In 1 Corinthians 13:12 we read: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known” (1 Cor. 13:12). When John wrote his epistles, there were no mirrors as we have today, which faithfully reflect images. Mirrors were made of polished metals, mainly bronze, and did not reflect images completely clearly. Today, through the prophetic word, we receive much revelation from the Lord, and the Bible has been opened to us. However, this revelation is still in part; we still see through a mirror. But one day the divine life that is being formed within us will be manifested! Today the world does not know us, but when the Lord returns and is manifested in glory, this life within us will also be manifested!

    James 1:23-24; 1 John 3:2; Exod. 34:29-35

  11. Our God is full of glory! When we have fellowship with Him, we are also filled with this glory. Moses would talk face to face with the Lord, and the divine glory would shine on his face when he came out of the tent of meeting to speak to the people. It was the glory of God that shone on Moses! However, this glory would last for a time and would fade away; then Moses would cover his face with a veil and run back into the presence of the Lord. When he entered the tent of meeting to talk to the Lord, he would remove the veil again to receive more glory. But he had to be quick, because this glory would fade away quickly and it would be necessary to repeat the process. Today we no longer need to go through this.

    2 Cor. 3:7-11,18

  12. The ministry we are involved in is the ministry of the Spirit, where glory is permanent. That is why it is so important to remain in the fellowship of life, because then we will have fellowship with the Lord and receive this permanent glory! As we remain in His presence, the glory no longer fades away as it did with Moses, but accumulates!
  13. In 2 Corinthians 3:18 we read: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord ” (2 Cor. 3:18). That is why it is worth continuing to live like this: immersing ourselves in the word, practicing refined and deep immersion, within the fellowship of life with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. From fellowship with Him, we receive more glory, which will accumulate until the formation of the Son of God in us is complete, and then it will be manifested!

    2Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15; Eph.4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11

  14. Our physical body still bears the image of the old man, but this life within us is a new creation! Ephesians 4:22-24 shows us that we still carry the old man. We need to put it off, and to put on the new man. In the new man, created according to God in righteousness and holiness, there is no longer a sinful nature. When we believe in Jesus, we are born of the Spirit, receiving the life and nature of God, putting on the new man, and Christ is being constituted in us until He is all in all.
  15. This new man is being worked on within us, we are being filled by Christ until He is all in all. Christ is being formed within us! Although some may not like the use of the term “formed,” the apostle Paul himself used it: “My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Gal. 4:19). Paul worked so that Christ would be formed in us. At the end of this formation, Christ Himself will be generated in us. We will be part of a divine, organic, universal entity, reaching full sonship.

    1John 2:29, 3:4,33; Rom. 5:2, 8:21; Eph.1:18; Col. 1:27; Titus 2:13; Matt. 13:41

  16. The hope of having Christ formed in us at the end of this process is what motivates us to live according to the word of God. Our hope of glory lies in the fact that Christ is being formed in me and in you! At the second coming of Christ, His glory will be manifested and, at the same time, He will also manifest His glory in the Son of God formed in us, then we will achieve sonship.
  17. If we live by the life that is within us, we will practice righteousness. The anointing will lead us to live a life of righteousness and holiness, and we will begin to manifest it. Our hope is that life will grow and take over our being, with its righteousness and holiness. As this formation progresses, it changes us, our personality begins to be shaped by this inner life. We will then begin to act differently, as this life takes over us, becoming stronger than our natural life, and we will practice righteousness.
  18. Let’s read: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). “Commits sin” here means to habitually live in the practice of sin. “The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness” (Matt. 13:41). Those who practice iniquity mentioned here are those who practice lawlessness, who are not governed by law. Whoever practices sin becomes a lawless person, who is not governed by anyone.

    Gal. 3:23-24; Matt. 5:17; 1John 3:5-6; John 1:9,29; Rom .5:12; 8:3; 2Cor. 5:21

  19. So that man would not live ungoverned, the law was given to the people of Israel as a stewardship to guard them until Christ came. With the coming of Christ, man no longer needs the external law, but the law of the Spirit of life. Thank the Lord, this spiritual anointing has been placed within us! Today, the way to obey Christ and be governed by Him is the circulation of life, by which we are no longer without law, but are governed by the word of life.
  20. Now we no longer have the law of the Old Testament, but the law of Christ, as the circulation and fellowship of life. Today, Christ rules His church! On the cross, God condemned sin, and through the blood of Christ, He can forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In Christ there is no sin. He only took on the appearance, the likeness of the sinful nature, but He did not know sin. Yet, God made Himself sin for us, so that His righteousness might be fulfilled. The Lord must deal thoroughly with the issue of sin, for it prevents us from participating in the fellowship of life.
  21. We cannot be left out of the fellowship of life, of the enjoyment of the word of life that we have received every day. Therefore, we cannot live in the practice of sin. If there is no fellowship of life, there is no edification of the church and the will of God is not done. Those who live in the fellowship of life, remain in the circulation of life through the word, and no longer live in sin.

    1John 3:7-10; John 1:11, 8:32-32,42-45; Heb. 2:14; Rom. 7:14-18; 1Pet. 1:22-23

  22. Practicing righteousness and sin is not merely a matter of morality or ethics, but rather of origin, from God or from the devil. It is a question of genetics: if we live in the old man, our genetics lead us to live in sin; but if we live in the Spirit, we will live in the fellowship of life, in righteousness and we will be freed from sin. It is through the word that we will remain in the right origin! It is the word that will free us from the nature of sin.
  23. The Lord has destroyed the works of the devil! The law of the Spirit and of life has freed us from sin and death! Within us there is a new divine being being formed; we need to live by this life and not by the old man. In this new life, there is the law of the Spirit and of life that frees us from the law of sin and death. Whoever is born of God does not live in the practice of sin. In 1 John 3:9b we read: “for His seed remains in him” The divine seed has found ground in our hearts, and this divine being is now growing within us.
  24. This being generated by the seed of divine life in the soil of our hearts cannot live in sin, because He is born of God. When we live by life, we practice righteous and, even more, we love our brothers. If we do not love our brothers, we are not living by what is born of God. Whoever lives by the life of God loves with all his heart, ardently, because he has been regenerated through His word. The divine seed is forming the divine being within us. When we reach full sonship, the glory of the children of God will be revealed. This is our hope!

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