Mess. 09: Giving Our Lives for the Brethren

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong, and transmitted by the Life For All Institute, directly from the Pérola Auditorium, Estância Árvore da Vida, Sumaré–SP, on 03/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author.

We encourage you to watch the full message on the Life For All YouTube channel.



1 John 3:2; John 1:12; 3:6; Gal 2:20; Eph 4:24

  1. I believe that we were all impressed and ecstatic by the fact that we are children of God. In fact, we still do not have much notion about this, because what we will be has not yet been manifested (1 John 3:2). When we believe in the truth, God regenerated us as His children. But what was generated within us is still hidden. The holy divine being that was implanted in us needs to grow, being fed until it becomes a being ready to be born.
  2. I would like to adjust the illustration of a pregnant woman in relation to the divine life that was inserted in us, which began to gestate a new divine (spiritual) being within us. Therefore, it is not like a woman who gives birth to a new individual, who becomes a baby, and the mother remains a mother, separated from him. What is being formed within me is not another person, but myself, who has not yet been manifested (1 John 3:2). Christ is being formed within me, which is myself as a child of God.
  3. Galatians 2:20 is well known and illustrates well the gestation of Christ in us. It is not me who lives anymore, but Christ lives in me. First, there is the old man, but there is also the second self – the new man, who let the divine being grow within himself.
  4. God created us from the dust of the earth, inserted in the three-dimensional plane, so that He could generate a new man from the old man. A new creation created according to God, without sin and with a divine seed glued to him, with a holy and just nature coming from the truth (Eph 4:24).
  5. Through the Word of life and the fellowship of life, the new man grows and, spontaneously, the “old self” decreases. As the new man takes shape, by feeding on the truth, I give him the personality, forming a new self, with a strengthened personality of Christ.

    1 John 3:11-12; John 8:44; 13:29-35; 17:3; Is 14:12-15; Heb 1:1-2; Ps 2:1-8; Rom 5:12; Gen 4:4-7; Col 1:13; Heb 2:14

  6. What is the message regarding the portion 1 John 3:11-12 (let us love each other)? After the betrayer Judas Iscariot was appointed, Jesus could open His heart freely to His 11 disciples, because they were totally one with the Lord. This indicates that a discordant mind in the church hinders the fellowship of life.
  7. The commandment is that we love one another, as the Lord loved us. This is the message that the disciples heard from the beginning. This is the greatest message of Jesus, being the result of the work of the word of life and the fellowship of life in a person who believes. Loving each other proves that we are children of God, that we are gestating a divine life within ourselves, gaining personality and replacing our personality.
  8. In our natural man we are selfish, we only love ourselves, we do not have the ability to love others. Cain was of the evil one (1 John 3:12), of Lucifer himself, whom God had created, but who rebelled against the Lord. Lucifer was strong and had a large occupation, he wanted to sit on the congregation’s mountain as president of the table. He did not want to see anyone above him, wanting God to be on his side. He thought that without him, God could not reign over the creatures.
  9. In His eternal purpose, God had established Christ to reign over the nations (Heb 1:1-2), and did not choose Lucifer, who began to oppose God as an adversary (Satan). It is important to realize that God was not pleased with Cain and his offering, this resulted in Cain’s face falling, leading to anger, envy and hatred for his brother (Abel), which led him to murder him.
  10. When man sinned, he opened the door for death to enter humanity and it began to reign on this earth (Rom 5:12). As the ruler of this world, Satan leads all nations and the leaders of the nations (Ps 2:1-3). His project has been to generate in humanity a feeling against God and against Christ, something that is being produced little by little among the nations.
  11. Jesus Christ came to reign through God (Ps 2:4-7), as a man humbled himself and emptied himself, coming in the form of a servant and man (Phil 2:5-8). God resurrected him after death and made him King and Son of God. God gave the possession of the earth to Christ (Ps 2:8), a fact that triggered Satan’s envy and hatred for Christ, a fact that led him to kill the Lord on the cross.
  12. Satan projected hatred on Cain (Gen 4:4-5), a greed (desire) difficult to be controlled. The Lord went to Cain’s aid (Gen 4:6-7), giving him the opportunity to stop hating his brother, so that he would not continue in this evil – the sin (personification of the Devil), which instigated Cain against Christ, the anointed of God. God imputed the murder of Abel on the account of the Devil, who is homicidal from the beginning (John 8:44). Lucifer disconnected from the one true God, founded for himself the kingdom of darkness (Col 1:13), having the power of death (Heb 2:14).

    1 John 3:9, 13-16; John 17:14-17; Rom 8:19-21; Eph 1:9-10; Gen 2:9, 17; 3:4-5; Deut 27:11-26; 28:1-68; Num 9:15-23

  13. We have a being within us, born of God, who feeds on the Word of life and lives the fellowship of life, thus preventing us from living in sin (1 John 3:9). What scares Satan is the fact that Christ is being formed in us.
  14. The world hates us because we are born of God (John 17:14-16), being governed by his life (1 John 3:13). We love this word of life, which results in the growth and strengthening of the divine being in us, imposing his personality under the old man, by the sanctification in truth, the word (John 17:17). This will result in the revelation of the glory of the children of God (Rom 8:19-21).
  15. From the beginning, God gave freedom to man to choose between life and death. God wants to produce a government (kingdom) of life on earth, through man to put Christ as head over all things, in heaven and on earth (Eph 1:9-10). For this reason, God placed the tree of life in the middle of the garden, so that man could be governed by divine life and feed on eternal life (Gen 2:9).
  16. Unfortunately, the enemy anticipated, offering death to man through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a destructive government (Gen 2:17). Due to a wrong choice, death entered man and began to reign over him. The snake contradicted God’s words, telling the man and woman that they would not die by feeding on the fruit of the tree that God had told him not to eat.
  17. Death begins to reign in man when he opens his eyes (Gen 3:5). Man becomes a judge of everything when the eyes are opened. It is impossible to love each other with our eyes open, because we see defects in everything and in everyone, using my sieve (not God’s) to discern good and evil.
  18. The poisoning by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil raises the process of generation and accumulation of hatred, because it gives man the ability to see and thus criticize according to his will. Thanks to the Lord we are having the opportunity to act for the government of life, which leads us to love each other more and more. It is a life (a living from the church) of continuous enjoyment and with a lot of fellowship, proving that we pass from death to life (1 John 3:14).
  19. The trees of life and knowledge of good and evil represent, respectively, life and death, being a matter of origin and origin, of God or the Devil, two sources of essence and opposite spheres (light/dark and blessing/curse). What’s your choice?
  20. Before the people of Israel entered the good land of Canaan, God continued to grant freedom of choice to the people, but it was necessary to be careful with the choice: Mount Ebal – curse (Deut 27:11-26) or Mount Gerizim – blessing (Deut 27:12). The choice of blessing is related to the word that comes out of God’s mouth. Here is the secret listen carefully to the voice of the Lord and put it into practice quickly, to cooperate with the Spirit at that very moment, without delay (Deut 28:1-68). We exercise to act like this when we do profound immersion, refined immersion, annotations of the messages to better absorb the word, and still listen to the message again.
  21. On the one hand, there are the commandments and statutes written to the people (Pentateuch). On the other hand, there is the command voice for the daily walk of this people, God speaking dynamically through Moses (Num 9:15-23). The statutes and commandments offered to the people of Israel were insufficient for them to understand whether they should march through the desert or camp in it.
  22. We have access to the Bible, but we need to know what God wants to say to us now, that is, His prophetic word, the order for His people today. It is a living, dynamic, and active voice.
  23. It is interesting to note that the Jewish people have the Torah, their sacred book with statutes and ordinances. However, these people lack a voice of command to know how to deal with everyday situations today. For this reason, they elaborated the Talmud, understood as a collection of sacred books of the Jews and which consist of records of rabbinical discussions (of Jewish leaders).
  24. Since the Protestant Reformation (16th century), Christians have had the Bible in hand. Still, where did they go? What is the direction of God’s people throughout this period? Unfortunately, the people of God did not leave the degradation by missing a direction. Thank God, we discovered that the Lord speaks to us in a lively way, with a voice of command.

    Deut 8:1-3; 30:15-20; Matt 4:4; Is 55:10-11; Gal 1:11-12; Rev 1:1; 1 Kg 19:18

  25. How to live only from the statutes and commandments of the Lord, if I don’t have the living speech of the Lord every day? The word that comes from the mouth of the Lord makes us live day to day (Deut 8:3; Matt 4:4). If God stops talking to us, we don’t live.
  26. Rain and snow are seasonal and fall at the right time, just like the word that comes out dynamically from the mouth of the Lord, it has a designated purpose: to execute the work of God (Is 55:10-11). This word is spoken by God, having the origin and direction In Him, not in man. What God does is use the apostles to speak His word, conferring the revelation of Jesus Christ to his servants (Gal 1:11-12; Rev 1:1).
  27. To listen to the word of the Lord is to choose blessing and life. If we come out of this blessing we will perish, without knowing what the direction of the Lord is given to his people at every moment. Let’s make the right choice, let’s listen to the Lord’s proposal: life, so that we and our descendants (children and grandchildren) live (Deut 30:15-20).
  28. The right choice makes us reap life. Thus, we began to live in the essence of life, in love. If we live in the fellowship of life, this same love makes us give our lives for our brothers and sisters. It is an attitude contrary to being ruled by the Devil, which leads us to hate our brothers and sisters.
  29. My goal is to put the Church on the right track, something that is not for my own benefit. We are often the main target of enemy attacks, taking the blame for everything. This makes us reflect if we are alone, beating alone, just like Elias who thought he was alone. However, this prophet heard from the Lord that there was a reserve of 7,000 men who did not bend their knees to Baal (1 Kg 19:18).

    1 John 3:17-24; Matt 7:21-23; 2 Cor 5:9-10; John 6:40; 15:12; 1 Tim 1:16; Gal 5:16, 22-25

  30. The fraternal love of one for each other results in a work for God, not merely a natural love that does not produce work for God (1 John 3:17-18). We must pay attention to the context of chapter 3 of John’s first epistle, that of those who live in the fellowship of life, which leads us to love the brothers and sisters with the agape love of God.
  31. Natural love produces nothing for God (Matt 7:21). Our love for the brothers and sisters must serve to do the Father’s will. We must be governed by the life of God to produce for Him.
  32. Those who live in the fellowship of life have a life that pleases the Lord, having a heart that does not accuse. When the heart accuses, there is something wrong, it is the anointing warning of the need to restore the fellowship of life. Living in the fellowship of life allows our requests to be accepted by God, because we ask for something according to the fellowship of life (1 John 3:19-22).

  33. Those who live in the fellowship of life remain in Him (John 15:7-8), truly loving their brothers and sisters, keeping the commandments of the Lord (1 John 3:23-24).
  34. Everything I do on this earth is to please the Lord, to cooperate with His kingdom, and not for my own interests. Let us be aware that we must all appear before the court of Christ (2 Cor 5:9-10).
  35. By the preaching of the Gnostics (salvation of the soul by “spiritual knowledge”), few people can achieve this high moral and ethical standard. This was something added to early Christianity, and, for this reason, the apostle John emphasized the fellowship of life through the Word of life. John’s task was to transmit life to all people, giving them conditions of access to God’s life.
  36. It is necessary to believe in the name of the Son of God to have eternal life (John 6:40; 1 Tim 1:16) and to love the Lord as He loved us (John 15:12), having faith to receive divine life and to love the brothers and sisters through the love of God. Living for the divine life gives us the ability to love our brothers and sisters as God loved us.
  37. We are speaking a word accessible to all, which is not restricted to those who have achieved a certain “spiritual knowledge”. The burden is life for all, giving opportunities for everyone to reach this level and standard that the Lord wants; of those who aspire the Word of life, eternal life, living in the circulation of life, choosing the blessing of living in the spirit (Gal 5:16, 22-25).

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