DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Friday | Mess. 5 – The Importance of the Walls of Jerusalem

  1. We fight for God to continue to establish His government through the prophetic word. The walls separate those who receive the word “not as the words of men,” but as it is in truth, the word of God (1 Thess. 2:13).

  1. Through the tools that have been given to us: colporting, immersion, war cry and others, many miracles have happened, because the Spirit has the freedom to operate. For within the walls are those who welcome the word and allow it to work within them (John 5:24-25; Luke 11:28).

  1. Let us not be Christians in appearance, but let us be Christians who live the reality of the kingdom of heaven, those who are governed by God. Our fight is to bring as many people within the walls as possible (Mk 16:15-18).

  1. “God allowed Jesus to suffer humiliation, insults, physical aggression and, finally, the worst death: death on the cross. Even so, the Lord Jesus did not complain, but was obedient to the end (Phil 2:8). We should all have this same feeling and attitude, because we are on earth to be servants” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 1, Friday, page 17).

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