DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 7 – The Restoration of God’s Government (2)

  1. After the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah appointed gatekeepers to watch over the people inside the wall so that they would continue to recognize God’s government there. We cannot allow anything that could destroy God’s government to enter the wall! We know that the Lord’s government is established through the prophetic word (Nehemiah 7:1-4).

  1. The singers are those involved in the composition and singing of the hymns, but not only this. They represent all the brothers and sisters who use tools to bring joy and enthusiasm to God’s people, such as immersion and war cries. Teenagers contribute to this through war cries, which bring us so much joy (Neh 7:1; Is 42:13).

  1. The Levites are all those who serve the Lord. We have many services in the church, without which, nothing would function. It is time to restore our “Levitical service”! We all need to be involved in serving the Lord! (Neh. 7:1; Ps. 100:2).

  1. “The Lord needs a people with a pure heart, who recognize their own inability and love His word. These people believe that the word of God is what accomplishes His work. If the universe was formed by the word of God, why should the work now be accomplished by human ability? That makes no sense” (Isaiah 66:2; Hebrews 11:3) (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 3, Tuesday, p. 43).

Did you know that we also have kids’ immersion? Click here to do it with your child: KIDS IMMERSION

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