- We were born into this world systematized by Satan. This system sustains and makes a lifeless government survive. But in the church, it’s not like this: we don’t have a hierarchy, we don’t have dominators and the dominated; rather, we are members of the Body of Christ, organically united by life (2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:1-2; John 12:31; Rom 5:17; 1 John 1:1-2; 1 Cor 12:12, 27).
- How important the Word (the Verb) of life is! The universe was made by the Word. Whenever God speaks, His work is done. Today, He continues to speak for the Son through His prophets. God uses man to speak (Heb 1:1-2; Heb 11:3).
- In the Bible we have several records of Satan’s attacks on the word of God: Miriam and Aaron, Korah, Dathan and Abiram all questioned the fact that God spoke through Moses. Nehemiah was also attacked with open letters, saying that his intention was to be king of the Jews. The enemy of God wants to nullify God’s speaking by attacking His channel (Ex 20:18-19; Num 12:2; Num 16:1-5; Ne 6:5).
- God did not generate the church to host sterile doctrinal discussions, but to bear the fruits that He expects. Our focus is not to preach beautiful messages, but, like branches of the vine, to produce fruit for God. He wants fruit production! (John 15:2). (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 4, Wednesday, page 62).
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