DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Tuesday | Mess. 19 – Christ Died for Our Sins to Bring Us to God

  1. Man fell, and from that moment on humanity has lived by the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In Genesis 6, evil multiplied so much that God had to send the flood, from which Noah and his family were saved. Some years later, Nimrod appeared. With him, man declared their independence from God and built cities and a tower, Babel, to exalt themselves. God then called Abraham, from whom came Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve sons of Israel. They appeared like stars to illuminate a world that was in darkness (Gen. 3:6-8; 6:5-6,11-14,17; 7:23; 10:8-12; 11:4; 12:1-2).
  1. God raised up a nation, Israel, and brought them out of Egypt, and at Mount Sinai declared that they would be His special treasure above all people. He opened His heart to these people by telling them that He had brought them out of Egypt on eagles’ wings and caused them to come unto Himself. Moreover, He said to them, “If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” Then the moon appears (Exod. 19:5; Gen. 37:9; Rev. 12:1).
  1. God gave the law to the nation of Israel, which served as a tutor to guard God’s people in the Old Testament until Christ came. When Christ came, the rising sun from on high appeared. Now the moon, which reflected the light of the sun, was no longer needed, because the Sun came. The sun has brought forth His people of the New Testament, which is the church, which serves to give light and to rule the Earth (Gal. 3:24-25; Luke 1:78- 79; Matt. 5:14-15).
  1. “In Romans Paul said that ‘faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ’ (10:17). You see, the word is from Christ. So, Christ spoke through Paul. Likewise, in our days, He still speaks through His apostles and prophets. Therefore, we should receive this word just as the Thessalonians received the word that proceeded from the mouth of Paul (Rom. 10:17; 1 Thess. 2:13)” (He who Has an Ear, Let Him Hear! Sardis Lessons in Revelation, Background I, Tuesday, p. 48).

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