Mess. 8: The Blessing of Abraham

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Life for All Institute, live from the auditorium of the Church in São Paulo (São Paulo, SP), on 03/16/2025. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel     Galatians 3:6-7 The context of … Continuar lendo Mess. 8: The Blessing of Abraham

Mess. 7: The Restoration of God’s Government (2)

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong, transmitted by the Life for All Institute, directly from São Paulo, SP, on 02/23/2025. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.       Neh. 7:1-4; 6:15 While the wall of Jerusalem was destroyed, its territory remained … Continuar lendo Mess. 7: The Restoration of God’s Government (2)

Mess. 1: The Success of the Early Church and Its Problems

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong, transmitted by the Life for All Institute, directly from São Paulo, on 12/01/2025. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.     We finished the epistles of Peter at the end of last year and to our … Continuar lendo Mess. 1: The Success of the Early Church and Its Problems

Mess. 21: Do Not Think It Strange Concerning the Fiery Trial Which Is to Try You

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Life For All Institute, directly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 27/10/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel. Acts 2:14-42; 10:1-48 The first letter of Peter was probably written in Babylon. Peter … Continuar lendo Mess. 21: Do Not Think It Strange Concerning the Fiery Trial Which Is to Try You

Mess. 20: Arm Yourself With the Mind of Christ for Suffering

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Instituto Vida para Todos, directly from São Paulo, SP, on 20/10/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.     The apostle Peter was greatly used in the generation of the church from … Continuar lendo Mess. 20: Arm Yourself With the Mind of Christ for Suffering

Mess. 18: Husband and Wife: Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Word ministered by Brother Pedro Dong and transmitted by the Instituto Vida para Todos, directly from the Church Auditorium in São Paulo/SP, on 06/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.       We have seen in the first epistle of Peter … Continuar lendo Mess. 18: Husband and Wife: Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Mens. 17: Shepherd and Overseer of Your Souls

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong, transmitted by Instituto Vida para Todos, directly from Cuiabá-MT, on 29/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.     Before starting the message, I would like to talk about the “Kingdom Investors” program. We need to … Continuar lendo Mens. 17: Shepherd and Overseer of Your Souls

Mens. 11: We Are God’s and the World Lies in the Evil One

Word given by Brother Pedro Dong, transmitted by the Life for All Institute, directly from the Pérola auditorium at Estância Árvore da Vida, on 05/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the IVPT YouTube channel.     It is very important to know the context of … Continuar lendo Mens. 11: We Are God’s and the World Lies in the Evil One

Mess. 09: Giving Our Lives for the Brethren

Word ministered by brother Pedro Dong, and transmitted by the Life For All Institute, directly from the Pérola Auditorium, Estância Árvore da Vida, Sumaré–SP, on 03/09/2024. Text not reviewed by the author. We encourage you to watch the full message on the Life For All YouTube channel.     1 John 3:2; John 1:12; 3:6; … Continuar lendo Mess. 09: Giving Our Lives for the Brethren