DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M23 Paull`s Final Words to the Colossians

All the cannons of hell are turned against the prophetic word and against the one who speaks The biblical passage present in Colossians 4:2-4 shows that the apostle Paul was handcuffed because of the word. The enemy uses the religious and secular world to attack the word and those who speak it. That’s why we … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M23 Paull`s Final Words to the Colossians

DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M21 Applying the Word in Personal Relationships

1. Colporting does not work in the natural life. Therefore, the PAC brothers realize that they need to live in the spirit. They love and believe in the prophetic word as it gives them direction and energy to pray and share the gospel of the kingdom with people on the street. To accelerate this process … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M21 Applying the Word in Personal Relationships

DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

1. We learn how to be filled with the Spirit by talking to each other. We are no longer superficial, but we talk to each other and assimilate the word in us (Eph 5:18). By immersion we are taught, admonished, warned and enlightened. 2. We live in a unique moment! Churches across the earth can … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

Peace is the result of Christ’s rule and is present when there is the kingdom and all submit to Christ’s will. Only then is there peace. When there is the government and kingdom of God, the church has righteousness, peace and joy (Col 3:15; Rom 14:17). When we forgive each other, when we put up … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Friday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

Today we live through the window of faith, through which we access the spiritual dimension. The hope of being raptured and participating in the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven is what gives me strength, energy and motivation to live each day. It’s hope! But on that day, hope will not be needed, as we … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

Sometimes he who is strongest, most supplied by God’s grace, has to be the first to ask forgiveness, even if he has not done wrong. Someone will need to humble himself and ask for forgiveness. While there is no forgiveness, hurt, resentment builds up and a root of bitterness is created, contaminating many others. Not … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

We need to understand that we are already dressed in the new man and our inner being, our guts and deepest feelings have been transformed. We no longer live by the selfishness of the old man, but by the tender affections of mercy! We are full of compassion, just like Christ (Col 3:12). If any … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

The water of grace needs to grow in our lives. God wants to raise the level of the waters, until you are lost, not knowing where else to go. Many don’t want to get into the waters and lose control of things. Many years of good management can prevent us from experiencing the new. Let … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

God’s work is not mere human work to be done, but is the result of the flowing of grace. Man has the concept of doing a religious work for God with the contribution of the skill of several leading brothers and leaves aside the main thing, which is the word of God. At every moment, … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M20 Put on Love that Perfectly unites all things

DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

The more we move forward in weaving the fabric of love through the supply of God’s love that comes through immersion in the word, the more we will have compassion and empathy for each other. (Rm 12:10,13,15). In the end, after we are fully woven together and united in Christ in a universal fabric, we … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy