DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

Only with agape love can we love without hypocrisy, and it is the source that we can have brotherly love, preferring honor to one another through the nature of the new man. Romans 12:9,10 The love we receive from God through immersion in His word provides us with a resource to love the brothers in … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Friday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

Everything we do must produce reality. Over time, we get used to living our way and let go of things from above. Is our way of living the church producing reality or is it just a repetition of what we have been doing for so many years? It may be that what we are used … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

The Lord commissioned the church in Philadelphia to preach the gospel of the kingdom at the end of this age. The gospel of the kingdom brings the headship of Christ into people’s lives, so we no longer preach only the gospel of grace for them to be saved, but we want God to accomplish His … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Wendnesday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

God’s elect are chosen to be holy and blameless in Him. There is only one way to be holy and blameless: to live in the new man. As God’s elect, we have an incorruptible, undefiled, unfading, inheritance reserved in heaven. (Eph 1:4, 1 Pet 1:4, 5) To reach the final salvation, the salvation of our … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Wendnesday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

The verb used in Colossians 3:12 is “put on,” which here in Greek is enduo, which refers to putting on, the same word used in verse 10. Putting on the tender affections of mercy is the same as put on the new man. We no longer need to live in the old man, we have … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

Many brothers and sisters are being perfected at the Colporting Outpost, the PAC. There, the Lord shows us the purpose of immersing ourselves in the Word and the true purpose of colporting. In times of pressure, we experience the power of the prophetic Word and understand that it does God’s work. On the streets, when … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M19 The New Man’s Tender Affections of Mercy

DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M18. Christ is All in All in the New Man

God needed to hand over the kingdoms of this earth, usurped by Satan, to His Son (Ps 110:1-3 KJA; 2:6-9). For this, God has summoned those who fight for Zion during the Dawn, the first rays of the sun, announcing that the Lord is coming. And the Lord has announced the closeness of His coming … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | M18. Christ is All in All in the New Man

DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M18. Christ is all in all in the New Man

1. God chose His Son to be the bond (the connecting link) between the Creator and all creation, to reign over the nations (Ps. 2:6-9); to be the connecting center of God’s work. However, the archangel Lucifer, being so perfect, thought he could be that link and, for not having been chosen, rebelled and sought … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Monday | M18. Christ is all in all in the New Man

DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M17. Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God

What we do is the “foolishness” of preaching and faith (1 Co 1:17-25). Just believe the Word. Our solution is the cross. Don’t serve God with your wisdom, use the madness of the Word. Get out of the box. (John 3:5-6, 8). The key to living in spiritual reality is our mind (Rom 8:6). Our … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | M17. Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God

DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M17. Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God

John was taken into a spiritual realm. (Rev 4:2). He no longer lived for the things of the earth. Lift up your head, don’t look at the floor. Take the ladder and go to heaven. The throne is in heaven! Were you resurrected? Transported to where? To heaven, where there is the reality of the … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M17. Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God