1. Apenas homens hábeis, cheios do Espírito e de sabedoria conseguiriam edificar o tabernáculo. Nos dias de hoje, de onde sairão esses homens? Do grupo de capitães. Por isso quero que toda a igreja saiba que convocamos os capitães para dizer que eles não apenas lideram as tropas, mas estão sendo preparados para serem enchidos … Continuar lendo IMERSÃO DIÁRIA Quinta | M23 O Pão Que Desceu do Céu Dá Vida ao Mundo
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DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess 22 – The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes
1. God knows everything we need. Take care of the kingdom of the Lord and then all things will be supplied. 2. Jesus walked the streets preaching the gospel and healing people. Those who go out into the streets to pray for people are also bringing the gospel and the healing they need. Everyone needs … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess 22 – The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes
DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess 22 – The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes
1. The earth was created by God for man to live, multiply, and exercise dominion on it. 2. We are in the world, but the world is not in the church. The church is like a boat, it is in the sea, but the sea does not enter the boat. 3. Living in search of … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess 22 – The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes
Grito de guerra: O ENVIADO DE DEUS
A Palavra Comunica A Deus mesmo, A Palavra viva. A Palavra é o próprio Cristo, É por ela que trabalha Deus; Veio ao mundo e tornou-se carne, Mas o homem não a recebeu. Quem profeta pode declarar-se? Quem aprova é Deus Pai, tão só, Mediante as obras confiadas Que comprovam: Deus o enviou! Basta crer … Continuar lendo Grito de guerra: O ENVIADO DE DEUS
DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
1. Everything that anyone says against God and against all established authority, He Himself will judge. Nothing will go unpunished! 2. We must take care that we do not fall into a life of murmuring, with a discontented heart and seeking our own interests. The word of God needs to be our living! 3. Let … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
1. We must have fear and respect when we speak of the authority established by God. The archangel Michael, even though he was on God’s side, did not dare to pronounce defamatory judgment against the devil. This is a warning for us. 2. Those who oppose the prophetic word defame what they do not actually … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
1. The devil, as an external agent, wants to destroy the work of God. To do this, he uses people with religious concepts or some with ambition in their heart, to cause harm to the apostle and his word, corrupting the minds of the saints and separating them from the simplicity and purity due to … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
1. In a normal situation, none of us would reject the prophetic word, the Lord’s speaking to us today; because man was made to receive the word of God and live by it with simplicity, purity and obedience. 2. God’s enemy is working against the prophetic word. He always tells lies! We cannot ignore their … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 21 – The Sent One of God
INMERSIÓN DIARIA Jueves | M.17 – Una Fuente que salte para Vida Eterna
Dios quiere darnos el mejor regalo, una buena dádiva, el don perfecto. Don y dádiva son regalos de Dios, y vienen de arriba. Por mucho que amemos varias cosas terrenales, estas no tienen la buena dádiva, no tienen el don perfecto. La buena dádiva y el don perfecto deben venir de lo alto y deben … Continuar lendo INMERSIÓN DIARIA Jueves | M.17 – Una Fuente que salte para Vida Eterna
IMERSÃO DINÂMICA – M8 A voz do que clama no deserto
A responsabilidade de Cristo é edificar Sua igreja. Ele tem zelo por essa nobre missão, dada pelo Pai. Nós também estamos engajados nisso. A obra do nosso ministério é a edificação do Corpo de Cristo. Deus deseja esse lugar de habitação no espírito! (MT 16:18; Ef 4:11) Não fazemos parte de uma organização morta. Somos … Continuar lendo IMERSÃO DINÂMICA – M8 A voz do que clama no deserto