DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

1. The differentiating characteristic of the Church in Philadelphia is the unlocked treasures of the prophetic word. If the Lord stops sending us the prophetic word, we will become a dead religious group. Thank God, every week we have something new given by the Lord, and it is like a lamp that shines in a … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

1. Christ governs the church by the Word. Church leaders need to carry out the role of messengers, those who receive and convey God’s message to the church. If I am the bearer of a message, that message is not mine, but God’s. Do not filter it, but faithfully transmit it. We cannot pass a … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

1. Some enjoy and value the Word, and thus are transformed by it. Others criticize because they do not understand anything. The whole problem is in the heart. When the heart is hardened, the Word is not taken advantage of. If you have a right heart, you will see with your eyes, hear with your … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

1. Today we have the correct base of church unity – one church in every city – and the prophetic word, by which Christ governs His church and which gives us God’s direction and order. We learn to live in the spirit because the church is heavenly. This base made it possible for every blessing … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Wednesday | Mess. 10: Sardis: The Treasure Hidden in a Field

INMERSIÓN DIARIA Lunes | M.10 Sardis: Un Tesoro Escondido en el Campo

La razón del Señor en estar usando a los adolescentes hoy es la sencillez, la obediencia y la práctica de la palabra profética. Ellos hacen la transcripción, la inmersión en la Palabra y salen a las calles predicando el evangelio del reino. Fueron contagiados por las Siete Antorchas de Fuego, los Siete Espíritus de Dios … Continuar lendo INMERSIÓN DIARIA Lunes | M.10 Sardis: Un Tesoro Escondido en el Campo

DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

1. Today we must return to the correct base of the unity of God’s people. In the New Testament, this center of unity of God’s people is no longer a physical place, but the spirit. God’s government in the church is by the Spirit, who must also have authority in a practical way. 2. The … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

1. The more we hear the word, the more we cease to be common people in the world to become God’s private possession. How can we no longer serve idols and become a kingdom of priests who serve God? There is only one way: by obedience to the word. Therefore, God gave us immersion! This … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Friday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

1. God has a line of authority in the Body of Christ to exercise His dominion. Through this line, Christ’s authority flows to the church. He raised up the apostles to lead by the Word! They are faithful messengers in order to bring the flow of God’s Word as an order and a command. 2. … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Thursday | Mess. 09: The Problem of Church government

DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M08. Letter to the church in Sardis

1. The works of the church in Sardis were not complete; it was just the beginning, the gateway to being freed from all lies. However, they did not continue. They did not seek light from the Word about the place of Christ as Head of the church, how to practice the government of the Spirit, … Continuar lendo DAILY IMMERSION Saturday | M08. Letter to the church in Sardis

INMERSIÓN DIARIA Sábado | M08. Carta a la iglesia en Sardis

Las obras de la iglesia en Sardis no estaban completas, era apenas el inicio, la puerta de entrada para ser librada de toda mentira. Sin embargo, no continuaron. No buscaron la luz en la Palabra sobre cómo debía ser el lugar de Cristo como Cabeza de la iglesia, cómo sería en la practica el gobierno … Continuar lendo INMERSIÓN DIARIA Sábado | M08. Carta a la iglesia en Sardis