- It does not depend on the one who wills or the one who runs, but on God exercising His mercy. The work of God does not happen by our effort or ability, but by the word of God, which gives direction and has the power to move the Spirit, who works miracles, so that the word is carried out in our midst (Rom 9:16; Gal 3:5).
- Let us no longer lament, in the “poor me syndrome,” that we have nothing. No! We have everything, we have God’s promise, we have the word, we have God’s power, we have the Spirit, who is the Almighty God Himself, who can do all things. We just need to activate this power through faith in God’s word (Gal 3:14; Gen 17:1; 2 Pet 1:3).
- We have all been given a like precious faith. Now it depends on how we work with this faith, with the word. Let us use everything God has given us and work for the Lord. Let us trust in the word and allow the Spirit to work miracles among us, hastening the accomplishment of God’s work to hasten the Lord’s return (2 Pet 1:1, 5; 2 Pet 3:12).
- “When the objective faith has been projected into our hearts and has become the subjective faith, we have gained all that we need to qualify us to partake of the divine nature. Only after this, can we be free from the lusts that are in the world” (2 Pet. 1:4) (Daily Food, Book 6, Sem. 3, Monday, pp. 41-42).
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