DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Sunday | Mess. 1 – The Vision of Revelation 12

  1. Brother Dong saw that South America is a land that is somewhat forgotten and is not involved in great conflicts. Because of this, at the time of the great tribulation many will flee to South America. That will be the 3 1/2 years of great tribulation during which the woman will be nourished by the Lord in the desert. We believe that that nourishment will come through the many books we have sown (Rev 12:6,13-14).

  1. The Lord has restored our love for the prophetic word, and we realize that God carries out the work, not by our human capacity but by His word. We are not capable to even think of something as coming from us. The Spirit demands that we be simple to follow Him. When we restore our love for the word and allow it to direct and govern us, the Lord eliminates all hierarchy, even the struggle for positions, power, and privileges that might exist among us. Through this, we love one another (2 Cor 3:6).

  1. We are allowing Christ to reign over us. We are in various places and have distinct cultures, customs, and languages, but one Body is being formed. This wonderful oneness is becoming a reality among us. The Man child is being formed. Before the Lord returns, the gospel of the kingdom needs to be preached to all the inhabited Earth and the headship of Christ over the church must be accomplished. Thus, we will bring the Lord back (Eph 1:9-10; Matt 24:14).

  1. “When love is perfected, the church is built up. We are joined, edified, adjusted, and consolidated, and we have the assurance that, on the Day of Judgment, we will stand before our God with confidence” (1Jn 4:17) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 2, Sunday, pg. 38).

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