- The present truth is the prophetic word, which comes from the right channel and makes our subjective faith grow. In Peter’s time, some distorted his words regarding this word, especially in his experience of Jesus’ transfiguration. There on the mountain, Jesus made a point of showing the disciples who He really was, in glory (2 Pet 1:16-18-20).
- The conjunction “and” indicates that the prophetic word is used as the surest confirmation that it comes from God. This gives me the freedom to affirm that we have received the prophetic word from the Lord, which has served us as a light that shines in a dark night (2 Pet 1:19).
- Today I am at peace, I know that we have direction and that this light will lead us until the Lord returns; until the day dawns and the morning star rises in the hearts of those who follow the word. The coming of Christ will first be received by those who love His coming, who fight for His kingdom (Rev 12:5).
- “Walking according to the truth results in “loving one another.” That is why the word is so important, because if we have it, we also have the truth, and if we have the truth, we have love and we walk in it (v. 6). Therefore, the truth results in love.” (2 John 5-6) (Daily Food, Book 3, Week 04, Thursday, page 64).
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