DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 5 – The Importance of the Walls of Jerusalem

  1. With the correct basis of the church’s representation, the Lord can return to having everything that existed in the early church: the teaching of the apostles and the fellowship in the prophetic word (Acts 2:42).

  1. The temple in Jerusalem had been rebuilt, but its walls were broken down and its gates were burned. The city of Jerusalem also needed to be rebuilt, for it was without a government (Nehemiah 1:3).

  1. In Jerusalem there were no walls that could delimit the space within which authority was exercised. With the walls torn down and the gates burned, anyone could come and go, do whatever they wanted, without restriction, because there was no government (Neh 1:3-11).

  1. The heart is the center of dispute between God and the Evil One. The heart is the ground in which God sows the seed of the kingdom (Matt. 13:3-9, 18-23). As this seed grows in the hearts, the kingdom of God grows and occupies the earth, and the kingdom of Satan is automatically expelled” (Daily Food, Book 5, Week 1, Wednesday, p. 10).

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