DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Friday | Mess. 20 – The Glorious Oneness Between God and Man

  1. The glory of God is manifested to those that He considers intimate and who, like Peter, can be eyewitnesses of His glory and majesty (Mt 17:1-5; 2 Pet 1:1-17).
  2. When the presence of the Lord is with us, even if trials and attacks come, we remain calm, because we know that we will reach the good land (Ex 33:14-15).
  3. When the glory of the Lord appears, it is the greatest guarantee and security that man can have. If you want a guarantee, ask for the glory of the Lord: “Lord, show us Your glory!” The glory of the Lord has might, power, His presence, assurance, and security (Ex 33:17-23).
  4. When there is a need, let Jesus know. Do not limit yourself to the human logic that is in your mind (Phil 4:6) (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 2, Friday, p. 34)

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