DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Monday | Mess. 21 – Jesus is Arrested and Unjustly Tried

  1. The Lord called us to His kingdom and glory. We were predestined for the glory of God, which is enjoyed only by those closest to Him. The entire process to introduce us to glory begins with the word that comes from the mouth of God (John 17:7-8; Ps. 25:14; 1 Thess. 2:12).
  2. The strength and authority of God’s sent one lies in the origin of his words. If the sent one speaks his own words, does his own work, and acts of his own will, he will not have the power of God to perform any work. Everything that results from human effort does not execute the work of God, as it does not come from God Himself (2 Cor. 3:5-6).
  3. The word that proceeds from the mouth of God works in preaching the gospel and in our daily lives, for our family, social relationships, and with our brothers and sisters in the church. When we use the word that proceeds from the mouth of God, we have the authority to enjoy the power that is in that word (Matt. 4:4).
  4. “We need the word that comes from the mouth of God to live. And this word, which is Christ Himself, does God’s work” (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 3, Monday, page 40)

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