DAILY IMMERSION IN THE PROPHETIC WORD Wednesday | Mess. 21 – Jesus is Arrested and Unjustly Tried

  1. It is necessary to have daily contact with the living word of God, through practicing immersion, to be purified, sanctified, and immersed in the glory of God (Deut. 6:6-7).
  2. Do not despise the process of sanctification with the washing of the word of truth. Daily contact with the word that God speaks to the church produces truth in us, which comes from the one and true God, and removes from us the elements of falsehood and vain thoughts, cleansing us of our soul life (John 17:17; Eph. 4:22; 5:25-26).
  3. Being filled by the word brings us the love of God, which has a binding effect (connection). This love unites us perfectly and builds us up with each other (Col. 3:14).
  4. “Building requires fight because there is a spiritual war. The devil’s plan is to cause destruction and chaos. He wants to destroy everything God does. His work is to steal, kill and destroy, but God’s economy is to build the church and lead us to glory” (Daily Food, Book 6, Week 3, Wednesday, page 47).

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