DAILY IMMERSION Monday | Message 25 – The Feast of Tabernacles

1. The reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem aims to reestablish God’s government in the city. For, without walls, a government cannot be established within its limits (Neh 1:2-4).

2. The word constitutes the government of God in the church. The apostles were channels used to speak the word of God to the churches so that they had direction, supply, and government (Acts 10:44-45; 1 Tim 1:3-7).

3. The apostle is not free to speak based on his biblical knowledge. He announces a living person, Christ. The word of God is the connecting point of fellowship between the church and the apostle (1 John 1:1-3).

4. We don’t need to be able or wise to do the work, but just allow Christ to fill us completely, for He is the One who does the work. (Daily Food, Book 3, week 2, Monday, page 23).

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