DAILY IMMERSION Sunday | Message 27 – He Who Believes in Me, Out of His Heart Will Flow Rivers of Living Waters

1. God is the spring, Christ is the source and the Spirit is the stream that reached us, when we believe in Jesus we drink this living water (Dt 8:7; Jn 4:13-14).

2. Today, within us, there is a spring welling up to eternal life and rivers of living water flow from us. We must not hold back and be selfish, but preach this gospel, bringing this Spirit and living water to other people (John 7:38-39).

3. Until the fullness of time, until the Father’s will is done, the Lord will be working with us. We are not alone, when we preach the gospel on the streets, Christ is with us! (Mt 28:18).

4. The Lord wants us to be zealous for His house. Let us fight for the building of the church, for the house of God! Therefore, let us take care of our bodies, so that they may be useful for building the house of God (John 2:17) (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 1, Sunday, page 23)

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