DAILY IMMERSION Tuesday | Mess. 28 – The Light of the World and the Light of Life

1. Christ was sent by God, bringing reality and meaning to all Jewish festivals. If Christ had not died as the Passover Lamb, the Passover feast would be empty (John 1:29; Heb 10:1-10).

2. The gospel of the kingdom announces that we must believe in Jesus, follow Him, and be governed through His Life. Therefore, we spare no effort to take to the streets and preach the gospel. The street is the cure! We are the “go out church” (Mt 24:14).

3. Many cannot see, hear, or understand the Lord Jesus because their hearts are hardened. The secret is to love the word by transcribing, immersing and having the simplicity to identify that it is Jesus who is speaking. This is transforming the lives of our teenagers (Mt 13:13-15).

4. Among Christians there is an idea that mere biblical teaching is enough to transform man, but transformation is a matter of life! (Daily Food, Book 4, Week 2, Tuesday, page 28)

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